book of Daniel offers a rare glimpse into the events that can occur
'behind the scenes' in the unseen spiritual realm. We will learn that
angels and demons do indeed fight and that their battles concern who
influences the destiny of nations and peoples. We will also discover the
great campaigns a devil-led army will ultimately undertake against God
and all those who uphold righteousness.
Daniel 10 begins by telling us that the prophet had been fasting and mourning for three full weeks (verses 1 - 3). He then sees, near the river Hiddekel, a vision of one of God's righteous angels. The angelic being states that God sent him the moment Daniel began to humble himself and pray for understanding (verse 12). Did you catch that? The spirit being (who was very likely the archangel Gabriel, see 8:16 and 9:21), traveling in the spirit realm, took a FEW WEEKS to reach the prophet from God's throne! What would cause such an unusual delay? Gabriel, who normally would have delivered God's message the moment after he got it, was UNABLE, of himself, to get past the 'prince of the kingdom of Persia!' It took the power of another one of God's holy angels, Michael (the only other Archangel the Bible mentions), to come and help him fight his way through to deliver his message. Who can stop an ARCHANGEL?Since Gabriel was a righteous angel sent directly by God, whoever hindered or kept him from completing his mission was almost certainly an enemy of righteousness and good. Could the evil "prince of the kingdom of Persia" (10:13) be a powerful human being? The short answer is NO. Human beings have no power, of themselves, to fight even the weakest of spirit beings (Hebrews 1:7). One angel could kill COUNTLESS human beings at will. Flesh and blood beings are completely helpless before the power of spirit-composed beings unless God chooses to aid the former at the expense of the latter (Mark 16:17, Luke 9:1).When God wanted to rescue Jerusalem from attack by Sennacherib, he needed only ONE angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian warriors in a single night (Isaiah 37:36). This means that while a human prince could not have resisted a holy angel, it must have been a spirit who was evil and willing to fight. | ||||