Spiritual Warfare is a complex battlefield involving the spiritual and physical realms, Father God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, angels and Christians, Satan, principalities, powers, evil spirits and evil people that requires specialized training in order to know how to maneuver around safely. Spiritual warfare is not just deliverance, exorcism, intercession or prayer. The Bible tells us that in spiritual warfare we’re dealing with a wide range, high level and depth of enemy requiring more than most Christians currently realize, understand or are prepared to meet on the battlefield. Many even think we have no need to do spiritual warfare of any kind. This is not Biblical doctrine nor what Jesus taught us through a great deal of His ministry! Some fear spiritual warfare or believe there is no place for it in their ministry as they are evangelists or prophets or pastors or worship leaders. This is also not Biblical doctrine. Spiritual warfare is a reality of life. Ignoring the enemy doesn’t make them go away! It’s time for all Christians to obtain Xtreme Results!
I visit heaven every day,
a thankful person for training said, who applied this teaching in their life!

Many others around the world have said things like,
  • I applied the training in your eTextbook and people are instantly healed!
  • I do high level spiritual warfare against evil principalities and powers just like Paul said in Ephesians 6:12! Our entire city was under attack by radical muslims that were burning churches. Suddenly, it all stopped and all is at peace in our city! Our church building is safe!
  • Thousands accepted salvation! (The success secret revealed in the eTextbook of Charles Finney, the greatest evangelist that ever lived!)
  • Crime has gone down in our region after I did spiritual warfare!
  • Healed mentally and emotionally in minutes after years of therapy and prescriptions failed!
  • Angels helped me do spiritual warfare!
  • I see and hear with my spiritual senses now!
  • I travel in the spirit just like Elisha, Ezekiel, John the Apostle, Paul and Jesus did!
  • Casting out evil spirits from people and setting them finally free!
  • I thought I was always saved until you pointed out what the Bible says!
  • I never knew spiritual warfare is expected of Christians!
Christians are leaving the church, 
because these results aren’t happening where they attend. The early church that had Christians full of Holy Spirit power and gifts, who worshiped in the spirit, has been reduced in many locations to social clubs and money-making businesses with no spiritual worship or demonstration of the power of God, as God commands:
Artwork with kind permission of Christian artist Danny Hahlbohm“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” - 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must (a command) worship in spirit and truth.” - John 4:23-24 NKJV

We must also demonstrate God's power and do Xtreme Spiritual Warfare in the spirit, in the heavenlies as Paul said,

“For we do not wrestle (war) against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. - Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

Sadly, most Christians are not doing anything in the spirit as the Bible teaches and as God requires!

Almost everything in life requires a spiritual warfare solution...
  • Christians who feel depressed or rejected or have anxiety have found that spiritual warfare is much more effective than counselling and drug therapy!
  • Spiritual warfare is the answer for those Christians struggling with anger management!
  • Addictions with drugs, alcohol, gambling and sex have been easily dealt with through spiritual warfare!
  • Spiritual warfare has brought instant healing to Christians with cancer, diabetes, AIDS and other diseases!
  • Incredible, long-lasting results for evangelization have been documented around the world when spiritual warfare was utilized! Especially for those who stubbornly refuse salvation!
  • Protection of family and property is a result of spiritual warfare!
  • Many Christians who have struggled financially have obtained relief due to spiritual warfare!
  • Spiritual warfare has even raised the dead!
The list of benefits of spiritual warfare goes on and on to include benefiting neighborhoods, cities, regions and even entire nations!

Some people say, "Spiritual warfare is silly as satan doesn't exist and there aren't any evil spirits!" or "Our church says God takes care of Christians so we don't need to do spiritual warfare"! or "My life is what I make of it, mixed with good luck and bad luck, not because of my disobedience to God's will!" or "I don't know how to do acts like Jesus and the disciples did or hear from God to do His will for my destiny because our church never talks about or teaches these things!"

These kind of statements indicate a poor understanding of the power and authority available to all Christians in the spiritual realm! Regulary we hear from Christians that say spiritual training in churches is virtually non-existant.

Our goal is God’s goal for your life… FREELY training you how to use your spiritual senses and gifts, worship in spirit and truth, demonstrate God’s power, go in the spirit, conduct spiritual warfare and healing, change the lives of people in your family, your church, your community, your city and your nation!
A recent testimony...
"Dear Al and Rhoda,
Thank you for the teachings on spiritual warfare. I shared your ebook Xtreme Big Game Hunting with a pastor friend and he and a group of children have fasted and prayed using the teachings of your book. There are about 60 people in the group. Majority are children and teens with a few adults, some who are parents of the children. They are now experiencing spiritual encounters such as visiting heaven and hell, travelling to England, USA and Australia praying for sick people. Just last month a group of children travelled with Angels of God down to the Bermuda Triangle and closed the gate of hell there. Initially, only 4 children ages between 8 and 13 got caught up in the spirit  during a fasting and prayer meeting. Now the number has increased from 4 to 12 which includes some teens. The impact of your teachings are astounding.

We have never seen spiritual warfare of such nature. The children related instances of how they went into the spirit realm and followed the Archangel Michael into battle against the strongman of the town.  Spiritual experiences are still taking place at this time but are too many to capture in writing. The outstanding of all these is, God the Father’s command for holiness, righteousness and truth in the lives of His people. This is the last revival before Christ returns. 
Please remember me in your prayers. God bless you.
Fulfill your purpose in life!

Fulfill your destiny with God!


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