
Showing posts from May, 2015

God Loves Gays - Lori Penn

Well, I reserve my comment until I pay a visit to my Bible to confirm if God truly loves gay people. However, this is what a 'sister in Christ' has to say..... I'm so fired up today....I'm about fed up with people saying God hates gays. Stop that filthy lying you sinful, judgmental, hypocrit stone throwers! The cross is foolishness is to those who are perishing...weak and powerless. But to those who are being saved, even the gay person, it is the power of God to save a sinner from his sin. God hates sin. He doesn't hate sinners. And if the sinner will only open their heart to our LOVING GOD, and LISTEN to HIM, not the world...or hat eful stone throwing Christians....They will hear Him leading them to peace in His promises of eternal life....And if they receive that gift He offers, He will convict them and change them and be with them...It's between the Sinner and the Good Shepherd to overcome the sin in their way. Deeper sin silences prayers a...

This Stunned Me When I First Saw It...THE ANTICHRIST !!!

The Antichrist is one of the most popular subject in world's religions...especially Christianity. Why is this so important that many have began exploiting it for a traffic of attention. Well, although it is worth the time because, the curtain is almost drawn and the rapture I believe will usher in the reign of this evil man whose mark is 666. Perhaps this man looks like him!  

Is the Church Clueless?

What really should be preached in Church? Some say RIGHTEOUSNESS Some say SIN Some say HELL Some say, RAPTURE Some say ANGELS Some say, HEAVEN Some say PROSPERITY Some say ...NOTHING AT ALL And nobody is saying THE GOODNEWS OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST Does it mean that even the Church appears clueless to what should be her message to the dying world? No, NO NO NO NOOOOOooo!!! It can't be!!!

Unbelievable!!! See list of Occult Religions, Books and Churches, Yours Might be Among...

The following make the list of occult  religions and Churches. Please take time to see if yours is in the list. Because they are somes questions that just have to be answered this way. Not only that, but also, that when counselling people for deliverance, it is important that all occultic involvement is exposed, including that of ancestors, where possible, as it opens the door for curses. Here is a list of things to check for – which can be handed to the person seeking deliverance. APPENDIX 1: OCCULT CHECK LIST Possible Demonic Entry Points: [ ] Abstract art (under hallucinogenic stimulus) [ ] Acupuncture [ ] Amulets (tigers claw, sharks tooth, horseshoe over door, mascots, talisman (magic picture) [ ] Ankh (a cross with a ring top used in satanic rites) [ ] Apparitions – occultic [ ] Astral travel [ ] Astrology [ ] Augury (interpreting omens) [ ] Automatic writing [ ] Birth signs [ ] Black arts [ ] Black magic (involving hidden powers for bad...


Founding Pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly and former Vice-presidential candidate, Tunde Bakare has once again prophesied that abducted Chibok girls will be returned this year.In his words, “The Chibok girls will be returned this year; some people will say ‘they are just using religion to deceive themselves. How will the girls be rescued?’ You will see. I didn’t say it, it is what God said and I believe it.”

Pastor asks Female Members to Strip Naked - SEE PHOTOS

A controversial South African Pastor asked members to strip naked on a live Sunday service. Where can this be found in the scriptures ....somebody help! Penuel Mnguni of End Times Disciples Ministries is known for these weird and demonic doctrines in the name of deliverance and yet, the Christian community is blind to it.  


That majestic and courageous man Isaiah asked a question 2800 years ago which has never been answered, “Why spend your labor on that which does not satisfy?” (Isaiah 55,2) There is obviously a right and a wrong road. Jesus uses a figurative picture (‘a parable’) of a wide road petering out in the empty wilderness and a right one that leads to positive life. “There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are the way of death”. (Psalm 1. Proverbs 16:25) Well, on the wrong road yes, its road rage. But our basic instruction is devastatingly and blindingly right “Rejoice evermore!” (1 Thess. 5:16). While the clock ticks – live! God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE


For you did form my inward parts; you did knit me together in my mother's womb. I will confess and praise YOU for YOU are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are your works, and that my inner self knows right well. My frame was not hidden from YOU when I was being formed in secret (and) intricately and curiously wrought (as if embroidered with various colors) in the depth of the earth (a region of darkness and mystery). Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in your book all the days (of my life) were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them Psalm 139:13-16 WORDS CAN NEVER BE ENOUGH 2 EXPLAIN WHO U ARE LORD. I'm 4ever Grateful. Matthew Obi

Is the use of medicine contrary to faith? - Kenneth Copeland

Is it contrary to the principles of faith to use doctors and medicine when you need healing? It is God’s will to heal you. That’s the first and most important thing for you to understand. If your faith is strong and you can believe the Word without wavering (regardless of what circumstances or symptoms come against you), then you’ll be able to receive that healing by faith alone. But that kind of faith takes more than just hearing a few sermons about healing. It takes a deep personal revelation of God’s healing power. And, for the Christian who hasn’t yet developed that kind of faith, the doctor is his best friend. If you’re still not certain as to whether or not to seek professional medical attention, follow the instructions of the Apostle Paul (Colossians 3:15) and let peace be your umpire. If fear rises up within you when you think about doing without the help of a doctor, then go to a doctor. On the other hand, if you have a sure confidence within you that heal...

Jesus in my Eyes - REINHARD BONNKE

Years ago my music-minister and I were shopping for a new keyboard. It was at noon that we entered a big music-shop in Johannesburg/South Africa. There was a salesman, but he took no notice of us and Adam and I tried out all the keyboards. Suddenly the salesman appeared. He seemed to be in a different mood, something like in a state of shock and said to me “Sir, I can see Jesus in your eyes!” What? The Holy Spirit had entered that shop. We forgot all about the keyboard and ha d a revival instead. But when I was walking back to my car I kept saying “Lord, I will never understand. How can a total stranger walk up to me and say ‘Sir, I can see Jesus in your eyes’?”. Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said “No problem! Jesus lives in your heart and sometimes HE LIKES TO LOOK OUT OF THE WINDOWS.” I laughed and cried. What glorious truth. I got the point! Years later I met the wife of the salesman who told me, that her husband had followed Jesus for the rest of his life ...

Step up, God is Near You!

1) It's so easy to hear God's voice: Start reading your Bible. 2) Why do so many Christians find it difficult to live in the Spirit and experience the power thereof? 3)ANSWER:They don't want to DIE to the flesh. 4)Why do men struggle with sins? 5) ANSWER: See #3

Is listening to preaching as good as reading the Bible?

A lot of Christians have questioned whether or not it is OK to listen to recorded preaching messages and Bible teachings as a full, or partial, substitute for reading the Bible itself. There’s no denying that anointed teaching and preaching from trusted ministers has an important place in the lives of believers. According to Ephesians 4:11-16, Jesus has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to e quip us for the work of ministry and to build up the Body of Christ “until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.” Ministers are invaluable gifts from God to His children. They are given to help us mature in the Lord so we will not be deceived by every wind of doctrine and the tricks of deceitful men. Therefore, the teaching of your pastor and other ministries you receive from is very important to your spiritual growth. And liste...

Thank God...?

Do you know that you can't make God more famous or popular? Your death can't alter God's planned future for the entire human race. If you eventually die today (which is not my prayers) tomorrow people will still find their way to work. That house you call mansion, in the map of the world, it's really not visible. Education is good, but before you got to the level/degree you're right now, others that have gone past it, are now extinguished. You see, the origin of PRIDE is STUPIDITY. Learn to THANK GOD in everything and in anything because He has no equal. You can't impeach Him from power and you can't enthrone Him either. The secret of a healthy soul is a grateful heart. Note that, but for His mercy you would have rotten in the grave. Where then is your pride? MY FRIEND, THANK GOD!

How can I deal with anxiety? -Gloria Copeland

Anxiety is not something you need to live with or cope with. It is something you can be totally free from as you gain increasing confidence in God’s love for you and the promises He has given you in His Word. So where do you start? Begin by settling the fact that as a Christian you have the ability, the right and the duty to cast your cares on the Lord and place your trust in Him: “Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your ow n estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you. Casting the whole of your care—all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all—on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully” (1 Peter 5:6-7). Verse 8 tells us why this stand of trust in God is so absolutely necessary: “Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger...

Faith Confessions -Kenneth Copeland

Faith is powerful, and so are the words you speak. Use the force of faith, combined with the power of your words to speak to your situation and trust God to move on your behalf. I do as Jesus did, and I speak to the mountains of _________ in my life. I command ___________ to be removed from my (life, body, relationship, job) and cast it into the sea and away from me! I believe I receive it removed by faith. I have no doubt in my mind that I am free from ________. No weapons of fear, doubt or unbelief formed against me shall prosper. I call those things that are not as though they were and hope for what I do not have—waiting patiently for it to come to pass in my life. Scripture References: Mark 11:23-25, Isaiah 54:17, Romans 4:17, 8:25 I hear, study, believe and confess God’s Word, and my faith continues to grow. I abide in God and His Word abides in me, so I ask what I need according to His Word, and I believe I receive it by faith. Jesus is Lord over my si...

Angels:The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Sue Bohlin

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Call Angels to Attention - E. Eleboryi

As a Christian, you've got special Angels assigned to minister unto you. That is, to go errands for you. You see, and you never knew it! I remember telling a Christian sister that I was going to send Angels on assignment, when she asked that I pray against some demonic spirits that always disturb her at night when sleeping. Well, I got myself together, said something like: "Thou Angels of God, I send you to sister .....(name withheld) house, to guide and protect her when she sleeps and wake, in Jesus' name, Amen". That was all the prayers. The following morning, I got a call, and behold the Sister testified that HER NIGHT WAS AWESOME. Although, she didn't see any Angels patrolling in the house, but guess what, they were at work, Halleluyah! You see, your problem is simply lack of faith. Listen, God's Angels are always standing by to enforce your commands. Take a step of faith and change things in JESUS' Name. Heb. 1:14 Ps 91:11 Matt. 18:10

The Right Christian Perspective -REINHARD BONNKE

Christians have only one thing to boast about – A CRUCIFIED REDEEMER. That’s our Gospel. Our message is JESUS – not success, music, academic brilliance, politics, and church buildings. It is JESUS. Any success that does not come from the Gospel of Christ crucified is false success. Any song that has no relation to His Cross is an empty rattle. The song of the redeemed? “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow.” God bless you today. REIN HARD BONNKE

Was there a Da Vinci Conspiracy?

The Da Vinci Code  is not to be ignored as a fictional plot. Its premise, that Jesus Christ has been reinvented for political purposes, attacks the very foundation of Christianity. Its author, Dan Brown, has stated on national TV that, even though the plot is fictional, he believes its account of Jesus’ identity is true. So what is the truth? Let’s take a look. Did Jesus have a secret marriage with Mary Magdalene? Was Jesus’ divinity invented by Constantine and the church? Were the original records of Jesus destroyed? Do recently discovered manuscripts tell the truth about Jesus? Has a gigantic conspiracy resulted in the reinvention of Jesus? According to the book and movie,  The Da Vinci Code , that is exactly what happened. Several of the book’s assertions regarding Jesus smack of conspiracy. For example, the book states: “Nobody is saying Christ was a fraud, or denying that He walked the earth and inspired millions to better lives. All we are saying is ...

Answering the Toughest Question: Is Jesus God?

Have you ever met a man who is the center of attention wherever he goes? Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. Well, that’s the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn’t merely Jesus’ personality that captivated those who heard him. Those who witnessed his words and life tell us that something about Jesus of Nazareth was different from all other men. Jesus’ only credentials were himself. He never wrote a book, commanded an army, held a political office, or owned property. He mostly traveled within a hundred miles of his village, attracting crowds who were amazed at his provocative words and stunning deeds. Yet Jesus’ greatness was obvious to all those who saw and heard him. And while most great people eventually fade into history books, Jesus is still the focus of thousands of books and unparalleled media controversy. And much of that controversy revolves around the radical claims Jesus made about himse...