God Loves Gays - Lori Penn

Well, I reserve my comment until I pay a visit to my Bible to confirm if God truly loves gay people. However, this is what a 'sister in Christ' has to say..... I'm so fired up today....I'm about fed up with people saying God hates gays. Stop that filthy lying you sinful, judgmental, hypocrit stone throwers! The cross is foolishness is to those who are perishing...weak and powerless. But to those who are being saved, even the gay person, it is the power of God to save a sinner from his sin. God hates sin. He doesn't hate sinners. And if the sinner will only open their heart to our LOVING GOD, and LISTEN to HIM, not the world...or hat eful stone throwing Christians....They will hear Him leading them to peace in His promises of eternal life....And if they receive that gift He offers, He will convict them and change them and be with them...It's between the Sinner and the Good Shepherd to overcome the sin in their way. Deeper sin silences prayers a...