Call Angels to Attention - E. Eleboryi

As a Christian, you've got special Angels assigned to minister unto you. That is, to go errands for you. You see, and you never knew it!
I remember telling a Christian sister that I was going to send Angels on assignment, when she asked that I pray against some demonic spirits that always disturb her at night when sleeping. Well, I got myself together, said something like: "Thou Angels of God, I send you to sister .....(name withheld) house, to guide and protect her when she sleeps and wake, in Jesus' name, Amen". That was all the prayers.
The following morning, I got a call, and behold the Sister testified that HER NIGHT WAS AWESOME. Although, she didn't see any Angels patrolling in the house, but guess what, they were at work, Halleluyah!
You see, your problem is simply lack of faith. Listen, God's Angels are always standing by to enforce your commands. Take a step of faith and change things in JESUS' Name.
Heb. 1:14
Ps 91:11
Matt. 18:10


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