
Showing posts from April, 2015

Something To Ponder - Michelle Scott

Separation from the world involves more than keeping our distance from sinful practices; it means staying close to God. It involves more than avoiding entertainment that leads to sin; it extends into how we spend our time and money. There is no way to separate ourselves totally from all sinful influences. Nevertheless, we are to avoid and resist sin around us, without either giving up or giving in. When you know what God wants you to do, make a clean brea k with sinful practices. Please Read: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KJV Ephesians 5:7 KJV Acts 5:14 KJV 1 John 1:6 KJV 1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV Leviticus 26:12 KJV Jeremiah 32:38 KJV Revelation 18:4 KJV Isaiah 52:11 KJV Isaiah 43:6 KJV

Coptic Christians Beheaded

Relatives of the Coptic Christians beheaded last month by jihadists in Libya – their deaths immortalized in a gory video set against the backdrop of a Mediterranean beach – are facing new extremist-Muslim violence as they seek to build a church to honor their murdered loved ones. An angry mob in the Upper Egyptian village of Al Our – the proposed site of the church because it was home to 13 of the 21 Christians murdered in the mass “beachfront” decapitation – descended on the community’s current church after the midday Islamic prayer Friday and chanted that they’d never allow construction of the new place of worship to begin, witnesses told Egyptian activists in the U.S.

Do Miracles Still Happen?

I was sitting on the balcony, of an Ocean Front Condo in Hawaii, when a thought popped into my mind. The thought was, "Is God still doing miracles like the ones he did in the Bible?" My wife called me so that we could go and eat. As we were driving down Front Street, in downtown Lahaina, I saw the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company restaurant on the right hand side. I asked my wife if she wanted to eat there. She said, "Yes" and we went in. The waitress sat us on the side overlooking the ocean. The waitress then took our drink order and left. Actually, it was on my birthday May 7th. I turned around and saw a picture on the wall that said, "Miracles happen everyday; some people don't think so, but they do." I was blown away! God had answered my thought from a picture on the wall. Brace yourself! That was a miracle in itself. Some of you maybe saying, "That was a coincidence!" I will answer you like this, "GOD IS THE ANSWER TO COINC...

How do I stand on the Word for my finances?

God told Joshua, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Joshua 1:8). From this one scripture, we can see that God’s prosperity will work only in the life of the believer who is committed to the Word. God’s Word mu st be first place! Our heavenly Father takes pleasure in the prosperity of His children (Psalm 35:27). Third John 2 declares that it is God’s will that above all things you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. The laws of prosperity are based on your obedience to God’s Word. By seeking first God’s kingdom, you observe how to do the Word of God, which will cause your way to become prosperous, and then you have good success. There are no shortcuts. Seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness is the pr...

How to Keep the Word First Place in your Life -Kenneth Copeland

How can I keep the Word first place in my life? Two decisions are absolutely vital in keeping the Word first place in all you do. First, renew your mind with the Word of God. To do this, we encourage you to make the quality decision to spend time reading and meditating on God’s Word daily. Supporting this commitment by attending a church that preaches the uncompromised Word, and studying after good Christian teachers are also great ways to grow closer to God and His Word. Secondly, renewing your mind will not be effective if what you are learning is sabotaged by what comes out of your mouth. As you continue to renew your mind with the Word of God, the next step is to make the words of your mouth line up with God’s Word. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Learn to say what God says about any given situation. Use Scripture as a basis for your prayer life. Here are some examples of how you can speak God’s Word by faith: “God is o...

"America Needs a Deal with God" - E. Eleboryi

I think America needs a deal with God, not with the Iranians. "Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe." Proverbs 28:26 Life gets tougher to those whose confidence is in themselves, rather than in God Almighty. This is what the American government needs realize in time. What are good policies and healthcare measures to the dead? What help is 'homeland security' to a nation that is led into captivity? America was founded on God's tenets, and destruction of those core principles shall expose her to an imminent extinction. Nations truly rise and fall, this is no myth as history holds archives of fallen empires and kingdoms. Why then should a Nation's fall take one aback when it's obvious that it sought her own defeat? "Oh you righteous in Babylon, fear not, for thou shall be saved" thus says the LORD!

A Capsule for the Soul - REINHARD BONNKE

It is a fact that human knowledge seems to go wrong. Our inventions and discoveries become damaging – we employ them for war and wickedness. Without the light of God our knowledge and study of the world around us are distorted. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 9:10). Our minds are affected by sin. We don’t think straight – we only think we do. “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nat ure –have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse ... But their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened ... They exchanged the truth of God for a lie” (Romans 1:20-25). Every thought must be brought into the captivity of Christ. The light of human knowledge is murky, fogged, even twisted when we look through Christless eyes. But when Christ saves us, and we see properly, then the whole world becomes more wonderful, and we se...

"Men Mightier Than Nations" - Jake Richards

I am a Winner! I win all battles of life. Because of Him that lives and abide with me. I'm in Winners' Camp. We train every day by the Word of God. Prayer and Fasting is what makes us Indestructible by any force on the earth. Principalities, Powers, Demons, and Agents of darkness gives way when we give command. I like you to be part of this Army. These are End-Time Generals that will rescue humanity from servitude. A prayer army, an army of saviors, an army of deliverers. Men mightier than nations. Men who are unkillable, indestructible, unmolestable, irresistible, and untouchable. Men that will command the attention of nations. I'm grateful to God for my enlistment into this army. Thank You Lord. God bless Bsp. Oyedepo. He's our Captain and Coach, Instructor and our teacher. He's our God-ordained Prophet sent to train and equip us. God bless you as you come for the enlistment. There's a hope and a great future for you.  GOD BLESS YOU, Jake R...

Something To Ponder - By Michelle Scott

The purpose of Jesus' first mission on earth was not to judge people, but to show them the way to salvation and eternal life. When he comes again, one of his main purposes will be to judge people for how they lived in earth. Christ's words that we would not accept and obey will condemn us. On the day of judgement, those who accepted Jesus and lived His way will be raised to eternal life, and those who rejected Jesus and lived any way they pleased will fa ce eternal punishment. Decide now which side you will be on, for consequences of your decision last forever! Please Read: John 12:44-50 KJV 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 KJV 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 KJV Revelation 21:1-8 KJV John 5:45 KJV

The Law of Attraction: Get What You Say!

It is said, "The best way to predict the future is to create it" However, I say, "The best way to create a future is to say (predict) it" How do I know this? Well, the Bible says, "...and ye shall have whatsoever you say".Mark 11:23 Friend, spoken words are powerful creative tools to shaping one's destiny. Practice the art of positive confession because, the things you speak forth today (sometimes even carelessly), materialize tomorrow to your disdain. You see how powerful your words can be? Smart folks call it, "the law of attraction". But you know what, even the Bible encourages it when you read stuffs like, LET THE WEAK SAY, I AM STRONG AND THE POOR SAY, I AM RICH. There's power in spoken, START SPEAKING FORTH NOW if you so desire to come out of an average life.

Faith's Demands - REINHARD BONNKE

We are all immersed in a vast sea of unseen forces. Can you see radio waves? Or, for example the magnetic fields by which the stars keep their ancient places? All around us, even going through our very bodies, are powerful emissions which we can detect only by instruments. Some radiation could destroy us before we ever felt it. Human perceptions are very limited. Even your cat can hear what you can’t. A snake can sight its prey in the pitch darkness. The first words Jesus said to His disciples were ‘Come and see!’ (John 1:39). He came to make us see, and see in the dark. The great theme in John’s Gospel is ‘inner sight’, seeing more than meets the eye. Spiritual reality belongs to a different order. Physical eyes can’t discern the spiritual. John mentions that some witnessed Christ’s miracles and made nothing of them. The visible displays invisible - ‘the heaven’s declare the glory of God’, but not to those without faith. Another thing is that at present the world...

TITHE, Why it isn't Working...

I tithe and give; why don’t I receive? Be sure to tithe with an attitude of praise and worship. Then be patient and wait for the Lord to open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10). But you need to depend on faith, not on sight, to know that your blessing is coming. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Galatians 6:9 to “not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Nurture your tithe with faith until your season comes. Remember, your gifts are your seed. If you uproot your seed with unbelief and doubt, you won’t see a harvest. For a seed is much easier to pluck than a full-grown tree with roots (Proverbs 12:3). And all Satan’s efforts are aimed at stopping the growing time. So stand in faith. Believe for a return. The seed WILL grow, and the Lord will produce a harvest of good results—when He decides the crop is ready.

No Longer Comfortable With Church Religion

Don't be discouraged with what I've set so far to write. It is indeed the bitterest of all truths. Honestly speaking, the truth of the matter is that I am no longer comfortable with the church (of course you know I don't mean the true body of Christ which is one in faith). I mean the deadliest of all Satan's weapons confined in buildings called churches, synagogues, miracles mountain, etc, as the case may be. It has taken me long to post on this blog because I was deeply troubled in my spirit so much that I ran short of what I will communicate that will make sense if not on this subject. It ached down to the marrow of my bones when I began to ponder on the level in which deceits, if you may like, call it 'manipulations' has really swept off the feet of the Church from its true foundation (The Word of God; The Holy Bible). Most so-called 'Reverend Pastors' now have diverted the original plan of the Church (of course you k...

The Great Apostasy

The Great Apostasy. Perhaps the greatest tragedy in history (second only to the killing of Jesus) might just be that the perfect organization, the perfect doctrines, and the perfect conduit through which to receive further light and knowledge from God, was erased through the killing of the anointed ones, and by filling their seats with emperors, popes and cardinals! Whatever the Apostles bound, sealed, loosed, blessed or cursed on earth would have binding force in heaven (Matthew 16:19).They also had the power to convey these keys of authority to new apostles, so as to maintain twelve men in that quorum. But, unfortunately, the Apostles were killed of quite rapidly, and it becomes quite clear that those who claim to have their authority from Peter, since the time of the Apostles, never received any revelations from our Lord at all! The great apostasy was a fact! The Great Apostasy was foretold from the very beginning; 9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord G...

JESUS' Coming: How Close?

Taken to Hell' by Pastor Kim Yong Doo, March 31, 2012 - Colorado Holy Fire Revival “While I was lying down, Jesus took me to hell. There are different levels of hell. As I was going through the different levels, there were different devils. Big ones, even tiny devils they were devouring my flesh. When I went 3 levels down, devils held a stick made of needles. They started hitting me with a stick. It hurt so much, it was very hard to endure. Around 3pm that day, I started bleeding, it did not stop. I was so exhausted that I prayed to the Lord: ‘Lord, it is so hard, I am going to die. It is so hard Lord.’ The Lord said it was my calling, so we had to continue. The Lord gave me a word from the book of Revelation 2:10. Obedience to the point of death. You have to be obedient till you die, in order to receive His full life. Hell is pitch dark. The Lord opened my eyes and helped me to see while visiting hell. Whenever I go to hell, there are so many doors to hell. The doors are so va...


When you pray for your enemies to die, you are not only going against the Scriptures, but you are also unknowingly waving your tail of spiritual ignorance before the Devil. And guess what, the Devil stays focused! Jesus doesn't teach us that! Do you not realise that the Bible has already declared that "The wicked shall not go unpunished"? Prov. 1 1:21 What do you make up of this scripture: "But I say to you, LOVE your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" ? Matt. 5:44 Who do you think is your enemy? Your true enemy is the Devil himself. But for those he uses (either consciously or subconsciously) against you, of whom you now regard as enemies, should in real sense be prayed for. Note, " the wicked shall not go unpunished". Why give yourself unnecessary pains and restlessness by praying "die-die-die" upon your perceived enemies when the Bible already told you their fate; that the wages (reward) of sin (wickedness) is DEATH?...

How to Hear the Voice of God

Are you among so many Christians that do not know what it means to hear the voice of God? First, let me share with you one of my experiences in this regards: A brother was terribly sick, in fact, he was rushed down home from school because of a stroke attack that came upon him while on campus. I was called to pray for him. After hours of intense prayers, nothing seemed to have changed, well, although his countenance was brighter. But before I left, I said something. I said, IF BY TOMORROW MORNING YOU DON'T GET UP ON YOUR FEET, WHOLE, THEN, THERE IS NO GOD IN HEAVEN. Well, you may see this as being rude but, I was deeply angry in my spirit. So, I left. The following morning, I refused going there to check on my "patient" for fear of intimidation based on what I had said yesterday. However, to my greatest shock, I was called some hours later by the boy's elder sister, that my "patient" was doing SO FINE and that I needed to come and see the miracle God had ...

My Greatest Spiritual SECRETS...

If you have not experienced any significant spiritual changes or growth in your life, then, do this! 1) Learn to wake up by 3 or 4am every morning to pray and study the Word till dawn. 2) Give yourself to a life of fasting and always prayerful. 3) Avoid social gatherings that may infect your spirit man with negative vibes. Many accuse me of not being social...that is what I pay as a price! 4) What you study daily from the word of God, make it a duty to communicate the same to others. This is one of my greatest secret! 5) Hide your spirituality, behave like normal. Give the devil a false picture. 6) Stay spiritually alert because anything can happen.

A Prophetic Word for You

You've been asking...when will God use me like so, so and so? Hear ye the Word of Prophecy from the LORD: "I am coming to you not too long from now. Do not fret or be worried, just keep your candle burning like the wise virgins. Yes, your patience has been tested, your love also. And if you desire the best I have hid inside that earthen vessel of yours, then, learn the art of untiring dwelling in my presence until my set time. I,THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS SPOKEN!"

You didn't know this... I swear!

You didn't know this... I swear! God valued you so much that Jesus had to be the sacrifice in order that you might be saved. Think about that! God didn't care if Jesus died...I mean, He had no other alternative but to let the life of one sinless man (Jesus) go for you to have eternal life. I can guarantee you that, it was a risk Jesus took...ALL JUST FOR YOU! You still don't think so? Ok, why did this Lamb of God with a heavy heart pray at Gethsemane that if it were possible the cup of suffering should pass over Him? Hello sir, it was a RISK Jesus took just for you and me! This is why, He weeps all the time when He sees any of us going astray. Honey, wait a minute, has Satan done any good thing for you, to qualify him for all that he keeps stealing from you? Absolutely NOTHING!  Therefore, change your ways NOW and turn to God... and He will be glad His love for you never was in vain. See, at least, He deserves your love too! AMEN!

A Divinely Inspired Word From God...READ!

Prayer does not increase God's power or anointing in you. Rather, it helps your spirit man to easily gain access into the realm of the miraculous. If you become prayerful, chances are that you hear God not just often, but also, clearly. This is why when we prophesy, the quality and effect of our prophecy is determined by the clarity of the voice of God that we hear. You see, that's why it always takes me time to write a somewhat 'prophetic' post, because, if God has not given a word I can get so lousy and not be so impactful. Friend, to be a Christian, it's another school entirely... Friend, I hope you are blessed by this. REMAIN BLESSED! 


The revelation... Last night as I slept, I just saw myself on a queue in a place I do not know about in real life, I was on a line of judgement. I was number three on the queue and I knew there was nobody behind me. And I strongly believe it was not on planet Earth. The beauty of the place wasn't t hat attractive, so I wouldn't be tempted to say it was Heaven, that is, as we think of Heaven to be a very beautiful place. However, that is not what I am sharing with you. But this is what I experienced. As I stood on the queue, I watched how the first man that was ahead of us step forward toward a Man that sat on a desk. Not a throne this time! Note, I am only saying what I saw, I am not adding or subtracting anything. But I knew that it was God, reasons you will understand later as you read on. So, as the man approached that seat of judgement, God looked at him carefully and said "I am sending you back to Earth to complete your assignment". After He had...


Easter... Celebrate something more than the day; celebrate God's unfeigned love. The price....? It cost Jesus His blood. So, play according to His rules. He who has the spotlight, has the moment. HAPPY EASTER!

THe Words of God's Living Veteran

" The day they laid Jesus in the tomb was a dark day for Christians. They feared the worst. Their sobs of agony could be heard far and wide. What they didn't know was....resurrection Sunday was coming! On that day, Jesus Christ conquered death, hell and the grave! On that day He gave each and every one of us the opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior, to be completely redeemed, washed in the precious blood of the Lamb. On that day we were given the gift of eternal life, praising the King of kings and Lord of lords! It was the greatest gift mankind has ever received! Today, you might be walking through a raging storm. Things might look bleak as you experience your own Black Friday. But Child of God, hold on! Sunday is coming! Your miracle is just around the corner in Jesus' name! "  source: John Hagee Ministries

An Unbelievable Confession!

 "I love You Jesus! And thus, I say thank You for all You have done for me! I know it just keeps getting better and better" THAT WAS A LOVELY CONFESSION OF A GRATEFUL HEART!               Sister   Michelle Scott , God bless you!

Does It Really Matter What I Believe?

It's hard to know what to believe. But could our beliefs impact us more than we realize? Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for—because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything. Peter Marshall, US Senate Chaplain 1947 If we’re being honest, sometimes we just don’t know what we believe. Or we think we know, but then our beliefs are challenged and we’re not sure what’s true anymore. There’s an expression that says, “The older I get, the less I know.” People seem to believe in things or relationships until those things disappoint them or let them down. As life goes on, what we once believed seems less reliable because it didn’t prove true a time or two (or twenty)—so we shift our beliefs to accommodate these changes of heart. What seems to matter more than our beliefs is what we do and how we act. It becomes a question of priorities and actions, not beliefs. Often we don’t even stop to think about what we believe....