Faith's Demands - REINHARD BONNKE
We are all immersed in a vast sea of unseen forces. Can you see radio
waves? Or, for example the magnetic fields by which the stars keep their
ancient places? All around us, even going through our very bodies, are
powerful emissions which we can detect only by instruments. Some
radiation could destroy us before we ever felt it. Human perceptions are
very limited. Even your cat can hear what you can’t. A snake can sight
its prey in the pitch darkness. The first words Jesus said
to His disciples were ‘Come and see!’ (John 1:39). He came to make us
see, and see in the dark. The great theme in John’s Gospel is ‘inner
sight’, seeing more than meets the eye. Spiritual reality belongs to a
different order. Physical eyes can’t discern the spiritual. John
mentions that some witnessed Christ’s miracles and made nothing of them.
The visible displays invisible - ‘the heaven’s declare the glory of
God’, but not to those without faith. Another thing is that at present
the world lies in wickedness and spiritual darkness. The unseen is
doubly unseen. Faith in God is like a lamp, which is of no use in
daylight. The only chance faith will ever get is now, in a world of
darkness, sin and trouble. It can’t operate in heaven where the Lamb is
the light. ‘Now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face,
(but) now remains faith’ (1 Corinthians 13:12,13). God bless you.