When you pray for your enemies to die, you are not only going against the Scriptures, but you are also unknowingly waving your tail of spiritual ignorance before the Devil. And guess what, the Devil stays focused!

Jesus doesn't teach us that!
Do you not realise that the Bible has already declared that "The
wicked shall not go
unpunished"? Prov. 11:21
What do you make up of this scripture:
"But I say to you, LOVE your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" ? Matt. 5:44

Who do you think is your
enemy? Your true enemy is the Devil himself. But for those he uses (either consciously or subconsciously) against you, of whom you now regard as enemies,
should in real sense be prayed for. Note, " the wicked shall not
go unpunished".

Why give yourself unnecessary
pains and restlessness by praying "die-die-die" upon your perceived enemies when the Bible already told you
their fate; that the wages
(reward) of sin (wickedness) is
Rom. 6:23.

You see?

One sad thing is that you are violating too many Scriptures; scriptures upon Scriptures, even the one that clearly says
"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay, "says the Lord."
Rom. 12:19

Friends, until you understand this spiritual truth, you will still
be chasing shadows in the name of spirituality.

God knows how to repay those that trouble
you, even to the point of them paying with their own blood (death).

But why are you so clueless about the Christ you claim to be following?
I challenge you today
to display the kind of spiritual maturity that is birthed out of love. . . Just as Jesus would pray
"Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing".
Look, the right thing to do is not to pant in prayers, relax your muscles because it is a spiritual warfare. It is not about your strength. (Eph. 6:10-15)
It's about the Spirit of God fighting for you. JUST put the Devil where he belongs by speaking forth words of faith over that confrontation.

God bless!

enemies to die, you are not only going against the Scriptures, but you are also unknowingly waving your tail of spiritual ignorance before the Devil. And guess what, the Devil stays focused!


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