"Men Mightier Than Nations" - Jake Richards
I am a Winner! I win all battles of life. Because of Him that lives and
abide with me. I'm in Winners' Camp. We train every day by the Word of
God. Prayer and Fasting is what makes us Indestructible by any force on
the earth. Principalities, Powers, Demons, and Agents of darkness gives
way when we give command. I like you to be part of this Army. These are
End-Time Generals that will rescue humanity from servitude. A prayer
army, an army of saviors, an army of deliverers. Men
mightier than nations. Men who are unkillable, indestructible,
unmolestable, irresistible, and untouchable. Men that will command the
attention of nations. I'm grateful to God for my enlistment into this
army. Thank You Lord. God bless Bsp. Oyedepo. He's our Captain and
Coach, Instructor and our teacher. He's our God-ordained Prophet sent to
train and equip us. God bless you as you come for the enlistment.
There's a hope and a great future for you.
GOD BLESS YOU, Jake Richards Ekpang