
Showing posts from 2015


For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. ISAIAH 55:10-11 Up to this time you have not asked a [single] thing in My Name [as presenting all that I Am]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete. JOHN 16:24

The Ruler of The Dark Kingdom Exposed! -Michelle Scott

Satan, the devil is "the ruler of the kingdom of the air." Satan and his evil forces inhabit the region between earth and the sky. Satan is pictured as ruling an evil spiritual kingdom., with the demons and those who are against Christ! In the resurrection, Christ was victorious over Satan and his power. Therefore, Jesus Christ is the permanent ruler of the whole world! Satan is only a tempoary ruler of part of the world that choses to follow him. The fact that all people, without exceptioon, commit sin proves without Christ we have a sinful nature. We are lost in sin and cannot serve ourselves. Does this mean that only Christians do good? Of course not, many people do good to and for other people. On a relative scale, many are moral, kind, and law-abiding. Comparing oneself to criminals, we would say that they are very good indeed! But on God's absolute scale, no one is good enough to earn salvation, because ("you were dead in your transgressi...

A Little Pleasure, A Little Slavery

Following a little pleasure and giving in to every senual desire leads to slavery. Many think freedom consists in doing anything they want. But following this path leads to a slavish addiction to senual gratfication. A person is no longer free, but a slave to what ever his or her body dicates. Christ freed us from these desires and gave us control over sin. When Christ saves us, we move from a life full of sin to one where we are led by God's Holy Sp irit. All our sins, not some of our sins, are washed away. Washing refers to water of baptism, which is a sign of salvation. In becoming a Christian, the believer acknowledges Christ as Lord and recognizes Christ's saving work. We gain eternal life, with all its treeasures. We are renewed by the Holy Spirit, and He continually renews our hearts. None of this occurs because we earned it or deserve it: it is all God's gift to us! Please Read: Titus 3:1-11 KJV

Spiritual Alert!

Don't think the devil won't hunt you simply because you've been wishing him well. For there's one thing I know: his sympathizers are his most victims. Choose to fight or resign to an ugly fate of eternal damnation. This is what makes him truly evil. This can't be overemphasized!

Pope Francis Says God Has Commanded Him To "REVISE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!

Pope Francis kicked off the start of a three-nation trip across South America today with his first mass, with over a million Ecuadorians in attendance, in the coastal city of Guayaquil. Delivering the mass in Spanish, the Pope spoke about the importance of family in modern society, saying, “It needs to be helped and strengthened, lest we lose our proper sense of the services which society as a whole provides.During his sermon, Pope Francis announced to Christians around the world that God had called upon him, instructing him “to revise the most sacred of texts, the Ten Commandments.” Given to the Israelites by God himself at Mount Sinai, the Commandments include instructions for worship and list several prohibited practices. Pope Francis said Christians around the world are “faced with ever-increasing temptations brought on by the evils of modern society.” The Pope said the updated Commandments reflect the changing times and include some minor rewording of the ex...

The Lord Revealed The Secret of Power To Me - E. Eleboryi

WHEN THE LORD SPEAKS... Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance (Proverbs 1:5) This morning, God was busy talking to me, revealing things to me. I believe you also will be blessed by these clear words of wisdom from the Master Himself: It all started as I stormed out of my bed this morning full of excitement as a result of the dream I had, in which I saw myself in the midst of some Christians, praying and prophesying on them all, then, the LORD began to speak to me as I meditated the vision and on the Word: HE SAID... Son, spiritual exploit is not so much about maintaining a steady prayer life, but rather, sustaining a life of discipline. For the problem is not the anointing, the problem is the discipline which is the price to be paid. Son, many of my children don't want to pay this price and as a result are deluded of power. Another thing also, is how they control their thoughts. I tell you the truth, no matter...

Effective, Fervent Prayer -Omamegbe Joseph

Brother Joseph has this to say about why our prayers often hit the brass wall and bounce back to us unanswered: The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.—James 5:16b God promises all believers that if we live righteously and pray fervently, our prayers will be effective and produce significant results. How do we treat a promise like this? We might argue, “But I do pray, and nothing happens!” Our problem is that we do not hold ourselves accountable to the Scripture. God's Word says that prayer ought to accomplish much. If our prayer life is not acco mplishing much, what should we do? If we are praying but seeing no results, should we conclude that this promise is untrue? Should we excuse this Scripture as impractical and unrealistic? Or should we examine ourselves to see if we meet its conditions? James says that fervent prayer avails much. Could it be that we are not as fervent in our praying as we should be? Fervent prayer means we do not quit easil...

The Hidden Biblical Truths about Homosexuality: This is Strange!!!

Question: "What does the Bible say about gay marriage / same sex marriage?" Answer: While the Bible does address homosexuality, it does not explicitly mention gay marriage/same-sex marriage. It is clear, however, that the Bible condemns homosexuality as an immoral and unnatural sin. Leviticus 18:22 identifies homosexual sex as an abomination, a detestable sin. Romans 1:26-27 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnat ural, lustful, and indecent. First Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful. Whenever the Bible mentions marriage, it is between a male and a female. The first mention of marriage, Genesis 2:24, describes it as a man leaving his parents and being united to his wife. In passages that contain instructions regarding ...

America Headed for Doom...THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!

The US National Debt is presently over $18 trillion, equivalent to $60,000 for every man, woman, and child. The debt continues to soar and Congress has no solution to mitigate it. Thus, America is heading for a sure bankruptcy. California’s exceptional drought is heading into its 4th year, with just one year supply of water for human consumption and for agricultural needs. Produce, poultry, and livestock prices will soar, perhaps even doubling! There are 38 million people now living in California, over 10% of the entire nation! Where will they all go to when the water runs out, and California becomes a desert again?  Also, forecasts of  the next  ‘BIG EARTHQUAKE’  in California are becoming rife. God’s severe judgment is certainly coming to America. There will be no place to hide, and no place to run. Only if we repent before it is too late and turn to God will we be saved. If not, we...

END-TIME SHOCKER: Doomsday Prediction, NASA Shocks The World!!!

You won't believe why and what NASA has been forced to say regarding the recent DOOMSDAY PREDICTIONS. Truly, the world has come to its T-junction? NASA has been forced to address the latest doomsday prediction by an impending 2.5-mile comet strike in the month of September 2015. The claim was initially made by the self-proclaimed prophet named Rev Efrain Rodriguez. He said that a very large asteroid or a comet will hit Earth either on September 15, 22 or 28 or any other day in between. He also claimed that the location of the comet strike will be around the region close to Puerto Rico. The impact will set in motion a series of events taking place simultaneously in various parts of the world like triggering earthquakes, causing a tsunami, and volcano eruptions. The final prediction is that the experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will go beyond our control. This will cause the eventual destruction of Earth and wipe out humanity from the face...

The Holy Spirit, Our DNA -Michelle Scott

Have you ever worried about whether or not you are a Christian? Oh, course we all have! Christians are people who have the Holy Spirit of God living in them. If you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and acknowledge Him as your Lord. Then the Holy Spirit will come into your life, and you will become a Christian. True Christians follow Christ! We live our daily lives in His steps. We wake up in Christ and we go to rest in Him. He is in our DNA. So if you are putting on Christ only on Sunday mornings, and stepping out of His grace on the way home, you may have a serious problem, one greater than you want to acknowledge. Because you aren't in His Will. But know this He forgives us. You won't know that the Holy Spirit has come, if you are waiting on a certain feeling; yet you will know He has come because He promised He would. And when the Holy Spirit is working within us, we will begin to act as Christ directs us! We will find help in our daily problems ...

US Supreme Court Has Ruled in Favour of Gay and Lesbian Marriage: A FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY!!!

Finally before our very eyes lies the enthronement of EVIL!  The US Supreme Court has just declared that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the country, in a culmination of two decades of litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally. "No union is more profound than marriage," wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by the court's four more liberal justices on Friday. It's three hours since the court delivered the verdict, but the crowd still in the hundreds don't want to leave. For them this is the place where history was made and they want to soak it up for as long as possible. They are smiling and cheering and waving rainbow flags. There have been rousing versions of "We shall overcome" and the US national anthem. One woman told me: "I no longer feel like an outsider in my own country," while a man close to tears told me he's not gay but can't hide his delight for his gay friends. "T...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Heaven Has Got A Constitution...Wooow!!!

The Old Testament prophets said "Thus says the Lord..." When Jesus came, he never used this term. He said "Truly, truly, I say to you..." (John 12:24), or "Moses said...but I say to you..." (Matthew 5). And this is the glorious truth: The prophets spoke FOR the Lord, but Jesus spoke AS the Lord. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! Nobody could and can speak like Him. Jesus also said "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away." (Matthew 24:35) Something more: The Bible is the Constitution of the Kingdom of God. No two-thirds majority of any parliament on earth can change it. Democratic vote or consensus does not decide Bible truth. "Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89). Jesus said: I AM THE TRUTH. (John 14:6) Are you blessed? REINHARD BONNKE

"Purgatory Discovered..." -E. Eleboryi

Purgatory has been discovered as an illusion, a WHITE LIE! But all LIES are lies...! The truth is, when you refuse God’s love gift of eternal life in Jesus, you willingly choose hell. Your soul will be tormented for eternity in hell when you die. When you say “No” to Jesus and His payment for your sins, you are saying that you are looking forward to dying and being cast into hell. You are telling God that you do not need Jesus Christ. You will pay for your sins in hell. Hell is for eternity! If you die without accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ, you will be tormented in hell forever! You will despair of ever having any deliverance! You will beg for death to come and take you away! However, you can only die once (Hebrews 9:27). Purgatory is a false doctrine. Reincarnation is a great satanic deception. Do not let Satan deceive you with false doctrines again.

THIS IS AN EVIL!!! This Bishop Wants to Open the Door for Same-Sex Marriage Among Pastors

Should the Church stand by and watch wickedness parade itself in Church in Holy gowns? GOD FORBID! However, this Bishop Wants to Open the Door for Same-Sex Marriage Among Pastors!!! The Bishop of Buckingham has called for Church of England clergy to be allowed to enter into same-sex 'marriages'. Over the past year at least two ordained ministers have entered into same-sex 'marriages,' defying the biblical position on sexual ethics, the Church's official position and the House of Bishops' explicit instruction. Andrea Williams says that the situation makes a mockery of authority in the Church and that the Archbishops should take urgent action.

Truly, The End Has Come!!! Pastor Prosecuted for Calling Islam 'Satanic' in Sermon

It is no longer strange for the Devil to show how bitter he is against the Church of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. However, this time, he uses the world legal system to prosecute those bold with the good news, to tell the world the whole truth and get them saved. Pastor James McConnell is in hot legal water after prosecutors have decided to press charges over a sermon he delivered in May 2014. The sermon, which McConnell delivered to his congregation at the evangelical Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, called Islam "satanic" and "heathen." Local authorities deemed these remarks "grossly offensive," and because the sermon was also streamed online, as many churches' sermons are now, police have now found him in violation of the United Kingdom's 2003 Communications Act . "That offense was one of sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was ...

The World Celebrates Ashanti Ade


"The Cross is the Nuclear Power"- Reinhard Bonnke

NOTHING GETS MORE DANGEROUS THAN AN UNDILUTED TRUTH. READ THIS AMAZING TRUTH AND BE BLESSED!!! The Cross is the nuclear power-drive of the Gospel, pollution free. Constant investigation of countless claims has come up with no oth best and man at his worst. Momentous crime changed to momentous good. The clenched fist of hate was intercepted by the wounded hand of love. "O, how I love Jesus..." God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE er Savior. Since time began to this day the crucified and risen Jesus has had no rival. The death of Christ was not a footnote to history. It sums up the whole situation, both the human story and the divine, God at His

"I Had to Say No To My Flesh" -Ese Tina Akpobome

I have been reading and l feel like sharing!------ Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31, “I die daily.” He was saying, every day I have to say no to my flesh. Every day I have to take my feelings off the throne. This is not something you do one time and you’re done. Paul wrote half of the New Testament, he was one of the heroes of faith and yet he still had to deal with his flesh. There’s a battle taking place in all of us. It’s the battle between the Flesh and the Spirit. You’ll never get to the place where you’re so Spiritual, so Mature that the Fleshly desires go away. Like Paul, every day we have to learn to say no to our flesh, not act on what we feel. Have a blessed week ahead!

'Wait patiently with Me' - Jesus Christ

Wait patiently with Me while I bless you. Don’t rush into My Presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell in timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be. For you, time is a protection; you’re a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind. Learn to master time, or it will be your master. Though you are a time-bound creature, seek to meet Me in timelessness. As you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and tasks will diminish. I will bless you and keep you, making My Face shine upon you graciously, giving you Peace. But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. —Micah 7:7 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” —Revelation 1:8 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his fac...

She Has Blown it Again...this time, on SEXUALITY!

Apparently the church had been quoting and misapplying the words "I have the right to do anything." Some Christians excuse their sins by saying that Christ has taken away all sin, and so they have complete freedom to live as they pleased, or what they are doing is not strictly forbidden by Scripture. Paul answers their excuses with this: While Christ has taken away our sin, this does not give us freedom to go on doing what we know is wrong. The New Testam ent specifically forbid many sins that were originally prohibited in the Old Testament! Some actions are not sinful in themselves, but they are not appropriate because they can control our lives and lead us away from God. Some actions may hurt others. Anything we do that hurts, rather than helps others is wrong! Please Read: 1Corinthians 6:12-20 KJV 1Corinthians 6:9 KJV Romans 12:9-21 KJV Romans 13:8-10 KJV Yahushua-isLORD! Sexual Immortality Amein! <><

This is Inspired to Save You!

Be careful what you call a blessing. For it is not everything 'good' that you find is truly a blessing. The Bible says, "As people moved eastward, they FOUND a plain in Shinar and settled there." (Gen. 11:1-7) Do you know what that was? It was the proposed site for the building of the tower of Babel that God saw and came down to not only destroy, but also, to scatter the people. Do not allow what you call a blessing to attract God's wrath in the end. Weigh carefully what you are doing right now or who you are 'dating' presently to see if truly it's God's will. Don't at a long run start complaining because God's favour isn't showing up. The question is, did you seek His face in the beginning? Whatever you start up with wrong motives is a proof of God's disapproval. Any relationship outside the will of God will sooner or later flop. Haven't your experiences taught you enough of these lessons? Honestly, I have a bunch of them pi...

Jesus Speaking...!

I am the firm foundation on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control—an impossible task and a waste of precious energy. My guidance for each of My children is unique. That’s why listening to Me is so vital for your well-being. Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction. I am with you continually, so don’t be intimidated by fear. Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence. But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. —Psalm 5:11 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, ...

You Can't Believe What Reinhard Bonnke Said About Prayers!

God created the world with the intention that prayer would be necessary for its wellbeing. That is the principle that operates in prayer. He has always revealed Himself as a God who bestows upon His creatures the privilege of working with Him. Even Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you” (Matthew 11:29). He did not take our yoke – the yoke of rebellion – but we take His, the yoke of the divine will. He shares with us His sovereignty and the disposition of His activities. To govern the world He relied upon people cooperating with Him, and praying. Prayer was arranged from the moment of creation to be part of His on-going scheme. He planned to do nothing without our prayers and us. That is the way the world is. Already prayed today? God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE

"Michael Douglas Won the Prize not Only Because of his Professional Achievement" -Benjamin Netanyahuבנימי

Last night I presented Michael Douglas with the 2015 Genesis Prize. Michael won the prize not only because of his professional achievements, but also because of his connection to Jewish tradition, his love for the Jewish people, and his passion for the Jewish state. Michael is a true friend of Israel. He has used his public influence to take a clear stand against anti-Semitism, and he has correctly described the BDS movement as an "ugly cancer." Indeed, rather than suppressin g his Jewish identity, Michael has embraced it – and encouraged his family to do the same. I was moved by his son Dylan's desire to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in Israel, and I look forward to welcoming the entire family again to Jerusalem when his daughter Carys celebrates her Bat Mitzvah here. Michael plans to direct his prize money to organizations that promote inclusiveness and diversity in Judaism. I want to emphasize: As Prime Minister of Israel, I'm committed to stre...

"Stop Making Me Cry" -Jesus Christ

This was the call Jesus put across to me recently... And I'm convinced, what He speaks to one, He speaks to all. Jesus, the One you said is your Saviour made a request and you turned it down. He asked you to go out and preach the Gospel and you said you have no time to do that. In another place, he confronted you, but you replied him saying, "Lord, as you can see, I am a shy type". He said, "No, I am with you always even to the end of the age, and it will not be you speaking; it will be Me talking through you" Yet, the third time, you said, you do not know H is Word much to preach to others. In meekness, He handed over to you the Bible and asked you to study it in order to show thyself approved; a workmanship that needs not be ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of truth. For the fourth time, you said, "Lord, I am a busy type!" Well, in dismay, He stood and shook His head. And, as He turns His back to leave you, He asks: FRIEND, DID ...

A Soul-Breaking Call

Isn't about how many LIKES but about, how many SOULS. You don't just preach to people, friends, you show them some love. When you know how difficult it is to win a soul, you'll value the few in your fold. Don't scatter; you are sent to gather. When last was I mentioned in your prayers? How then, do you love me? Didn't you hear Jesus say to Simon Peter, "...I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." (Luke 22:32) ? It hurts my soul to see Christians not live like brothers and sisters. The Church is divided against ethnic lines and religious interest. It's a shame! We are the supposed light (Matt. 5:14) But now, how great is the darkness! AWAKE Child of God !!!

I've Found A Shocking SECRET !!!

Do you know why your prayers don't get instant results and when sometimes they seem to have been answered, it takes longer than necessary for you to see their tangible manifestation in your life? I will tell you what the problem was and how to fix it! First, the secret I found was in James 5:16. "...The EFFECTUAL FERVENT prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man availeth much." PLEASE NOTE, I have personally tested this secret and it worked. Here is my testimony: My spiritual daughter, Ruth, has a friend that was attacked with a spirit of insanity. She ran to me, told me how that her friend (whose name I have chosen not to make public) was struck with insanity while on campus. I held hands with her in agreement and PRAYED FERVENTLY, and as in my tradition, gave out words of prophecy as the Spirit inspired me. This was what I said: "In three days from now, that friend of yours shall call you by herself sound and sane by the reason of this prayer". I left her...on...

How to Win Over Life's Challenges - Matthew Obi

Bad things happen to all. But, you won't believe that in some distant kilometers lies the U-turn of the unpleasant lane you have been plying on. Here again, a beloved brother and friend, Matthew Obi presents to the world the recipe for a great life..READ on!!! It is hard not to talk about our problems. Do you know Y? It is because we want pity. But have you thought of this, that as we continue to tell everyone else how we feel and how terrible things are in our lives, it won't be long before we won't have anybody to tell the BAD reports to!. We don't realize that we wear people out, even the ones who care the most, when we constantly tell them the same evil or bad report. No matter how much others may Love you(us), they do not want to hear that negative report day after day. One major reason is, they too have problems n bad reports of their own n wouldn't want to take on ours. That's understandable. Ok, how many of us can truthfully say that w...

Exclusively for the Unmarried: A Golden Piece of Advice!!!

I tell people: Do not get married before you are married, or else you will be left 'abandoned' and desiring to remarry after that you have been used and proven cheap. Why should a lady spread herself as a piece of sacrifice on the altar of a man's bed, or run into the man's arms before he publishes his marriage proposal on the pages of her heart, and proceeds to justify his interest by paying her bride's price? I am not a fan of quick-fix relationship. MY SISTER, PLEASE FOCUS ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND HE WILL FOCUS ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN. I LOVE YOU...AND YOUR HAPPINESS IS IMPORTANT TO ME!

The Spirit and the Vessel: The Truth that Has Been Kept Secret!!!

Who we are can be divided many ways, but one way to look at ourselves is as spirit and vessel. Our spirit is that special, immaterial part of us that communes with God, and our vessel is our physical package of mind and body. In normal cases, it is our mind that controls our vessel. Our mind gives the commands, and our body follows. But when speaking in tongues, it is totally different. Paul describes what happens by saying, "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful" ( 1 Cor 14.14 ). When praying in tongues, my spirit is communing with God outside of the control of my mind, outside of my understanding. My mind has nothing to do with this communication. In fact, when one tries by the strength of the mind to control what is happening, that is when the communication is lost. But then, what is your body's part in this? The part of praying and worshiping in tongues that people can see and hear is the words you are speak...