THIS IS AN EVIL!!! This Bishop Wants to Open the Door for Same-Sex Marriage Among Pastors
Should the Church stand by and watch wickedness parade itself in Church in Holy gowns?
However, this Bishop Wants to Open the Door for Same-Sex Marriage Among Pastors!!!
The Bishop of Buckingham has called for Church of England clergy to be allowed to enter into same-sex 'marriages'.
Over the past year at least two ordained ministers have entered into same-sex 'marriages,' defying the biblical position on sexual ethics, the Church's official position and the House of Bishops' explicit instruction. Andrea Williams says that the situation makes a mockery of authority in the Church and that the Archbishops should take urgent action.
However, this Bishop Wants to Open the Door for Same-Sex Marriage Among Pastors!!!
The Bishop of Buckingham has called for Church of England clergy to be allowed to enter into same-sex 'marriages'.
Over the past year at least two ordained ministers have entered into same-sex 'marriages,' defying the biblical position on sexual ethics, the Church's official position and the House of Bishops' explicit instruction. Andrea Williams says that the situation makes a mockery of authority in the Church and that the Archbishops should take urgent action.