"I Had to Say No To My Flesh" -Ese Tina Akpobome

I have been reading and l feel like sharing!------ Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31, “I die daily.” He was saying, every day I have to say no to my flesh. Every day I have to take my feelings off the throne. This is not something you do one time and you’re done. Paul wrote half of the New Testament, he was one of the heroes of faith and yet he still had to deal with his flesh. There’s a battle taking place in all of us. It’s the battle between the Flesh and the Spirit. You’ll never get to the place where you’re so Spiritual, so Mature that the Fleshly desires go away. Like Paul, every day we have to learn to say no to our flesh, not act on what we feel.
Have a blessed week ahead!


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