Christ’s Sacrifice -REINHARD BONNKE
An indication of Christ’s sacrifice is given us in the book of
Revelation. It describes the whole universe being swept with His praise.
Every creature in heaven and earth know that none of them is worthy,
only Jesus. He had penetrated a far land of darkness were nobody else
had trod. They multiply accolades and exhaust language to match the just
reward of His unparalleled work. The cause of such worthiness was
observable only in a measure even by those who watched Him at the
cross in His dying hours. But it was not the total cost. We must take
into account another tremendous fact, that Christ was one with the
Father. Infinity shared with the sin-bearer. The black hurricanes
surging around the hill at Jerusalem swept also around the Throne above.
Christ accepted our judgement but ‘God was in Christ reconciling the
world unto Himself’ (2 Corinthians 5:19). The vastness of the heart of
God found a place for the sorrows of mankind. The music of heaven
developed a minor key. Think about it. God bless you.