I've Found A Shocking SECRET !!!

Do you know why your prayers don't get instant results and when sometimes they seem to have been answered, it takes longer than necessary for you to see their tangible manifestation in your life?

I will tell you what the problem was and how to fix it!

First, the secret I found was in James 5:16.

"...The EFFECTUAL FERVENT prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man availeth much."

PLEASE NOTE, I have personally tested this secret and it worked.
Here is my testimony:
My spiritual daughter, Ruth, has a friend that was attacked with a spirit of insanity. She ran to me, told me how that her friend (whose name I have chosen not to make public) was struck with insanity while on campus. I held hands with her in agreement and PRAYED FERVENTLY, and as in my tradition, gave out words of prophecy as the Spirit inspired me. This was what I said: "In three days from now, that friend of yours shall call you by herself sound and sane by the reason of this prayer".

I left her...only for the testimony of the healing to turn in accordingly as prophesied.

Now, this was the secret.....

For your prayers to be EFFECTUAL (have instant results), it MUST be FERVENT!!!
The word FERVENT means "having or displaying a passionate intensity like that of fire burning". Words that are of similar meaning are: impassioned, passionate, intense, vehement, ardent, sincere and fervid. Please take time to search out the meanings of these words; the understanding of them will greatly bless you.

Secondly, the way to prayed "fervently" is to be burning in your spirit man. It is also to 'pour your heart out' with and intensity like that of fire burning in your inward man. Friend, you've got power inside you!
Please note, it is not about shouting or yelling. It is about letting your spirit BURN on the inside, like praying in the Holy Ghost. Don't forget when your prayers are cold, even the weakest of demons can hinder them. And you know that's not what you want. Demons are the only problems to a believer's prayers besides his sins and unbelief. Beloved, when praying, endeavour to get to the point where groanings become the only prayer language, for that is where FERVENCY is born. This can take a few seconds depending on how 'sincere' you are in your spirit.

THE last thing is to ensure that you are the RIGHTEOUS the Bible talked about in our opening verse.  Yes, you MUST be born again; I can't lie to you!

 Listen to what David said:
"If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened (to my prayers)" NIV
 Ps. 66:18

Lastly friend, don't let your relationship with Jesus be cold, then, and only then, will you and can you pray FERVENTLY to have intended results according to the Word of God. The Word of God cannot lie, it's us that need to get it right.



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