"Stop Making Me Cry" -Jesus Christ

This was the call Jesus put across to me recently... And I'm convinced, what He speaks to one, He speaks to all.
Jesus, the One you said is your Saviour made a request and you turned it down. He asked you to go out and preach the Gospel and you said you have no time to do that. In another place, he confronted you, but you replied him saying, "Lord, as you can see, I am a shy type". He said, "No, I am with you always even to the end of the age, and it will not be you speaking; it will be Me talking through you" Yet, the third time, you said, you do not know His Word much to preach to others. In meekness, He handed over to you the Bible and asked you to study it in order to show thyself approved; a workmanship that needs not be ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of truth. For the fourth time, you said, "Lord, I am a busy type!"
Well, in dismay, He stood and shook His head. And, as He turns His back to leave you, He asks: FRIEND, DID YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME?


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